Speechless – Tell Stories that Change the World

Coming soon: Speechless Season One

Josie Colter Season 1

On June 5th, Maryam Pasha and Simon Bucknall launch a new podcast, Speechless: how to tell stories that can change the world. An eight-part series of actionable conversations, Speechless is designed to help you learn how to tell better stories, more consistently, on purpose. Maryam and Simon introduce some of the topics we'll cover. 

[00:00:00] I think if you are someone who wants to change the world, you need people to talk about your idea. You can't be the only one talking about it. It needs to catch on. And the way you get people to talk about your idea is to tell a story because then they can take that and they can repeat it, and that's the only way, that's really a powerful vehicle in my mind to get across what we want.

[00:00:20] Every one of us is absolutely a storyteller already. It's, this is not something that people don't have. We tell stories all the time in our own lives without even really thinking about it. And I think, uh, certainly for this podcast, I think if it enables [00:00:30] people to tell better stories on purpose, when under pressure, when it counts, that's the key.

[00:00:35] What I would encourage people to think about is this is a human skill. Communicating in stories is something we do as human beings. We often just don't take the things we do with friends and family about lighthearted experiences and transfer them. Into either the world of work, you know, things were working and and trying to drive forward in the world.

[00:00:53] There'll be ideas in this podcast that will be relevant for you wherever you are in your own working world and your own [00:01:00] life, but also a sensitivity to the range of different people that you, yourself, as a speaker want to actually reach. I talk about people wanting to speak so that others listen. You know, that I think is all of our desire is for it to be heard, to be listened to, and I think that's doubly true when you want to change the world in some way, when you want to have an impact or leave things better than how you found them.

[00:01:23] I think there's a real desire to be heard and, and I, I hope that this podcast gives people [00:01:30] really practical tools they can use in lots of different circumstances to do just that.